About us

我々が目指すのは、Communication Infrastructure。人々が他者に貢献出来ると思う物(自身で取り込んだままで眠ってしまっている)、知恵、ノウハウを出し、共有や協働することで、いわば有機的に繋がる住空間+周辺インフラを提供していきます。


商号 有限会社 Third & Place
設立 平成12年7月7日
本社所在地 大阪市城東区永田1 – 4 – 9
営業日 日・月・祝日定休 10:00〜18:00
業務内容 ・各種集合住宅の開発・販売・賃貸
代表者 山田 善博



We are aspiring “Communication Infrastructure” We share our own ability and knowledge which we usually don’t perform to each other, and work together for organic living place and comfort environment.

· Throughout expressing yourself and accepting others, you can experience improvement, delight by others’ happiness, and satisfaction by sympathy and hardworking to overcome difficulties.
· A welcoming entrance for everyone to enter the community.
· Improving good things which are wished by the participants, the local area, and the world.

Company Profile
Trade Name : Third & Place Co.,Ltd.
Date of Establishment : July 7, 2000
Office Address : 1-4-9, Nagata, Joto-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, JAPAN
Business Day : Tuesday-Saturday (except national holidays), AM 10 – PM 6
Business Outline : Development/Sales/Lease apartments, Development/Operating accommodations, Development/Lease for factories/warehouses, and Real Estate.
Representative Director : Yoshihiro Yamada

Representative Profile
He was born in Osaka. He graduated from Faculty of Education, Kobe University. In 1994, he entered Japan Racing Association, worked at plan proposal department at Tokyo main office. After that, he worked at WINS Dotonbori to help and manage for local. From 2002, he moved to private company, Pias Co.(Private cosmetic company, HQ in Osaka), and worked at marketing and management planning department. He was assigned to Shanghai in 2012, and worked as a brand manager in China, he came back to Japan in 2016 and worked at international department (Indonesia and others). In 2018, he became CEO at Third & Place.

我们的目标是Communication Infrastructure。人们为他人所做的贡献所需要的东西(在潜意识里沉睡着),创意,知识技术,都需要相互提供及共同协力,也就是说要提供有机的相连居住空间及周边基础设施。

・ 在组织中展现自我,成为信息的接收者,能够进一步成长,让人们高兴的喜悦,共同感及克服困难之后的达成感。
・ 在组织外的人也能轻易融入地区的窗口,途径
・ 参加者自身,相关地区,能将世间的“有这东西真好”的 思想传播

公司名称 有限公司 Third & Place
成立日期 2000年7月7日
公司地址 大阪市城东区永田1-4-9
营业日 10:00~18:00 (星期日,星期一及国家法定假日休息)
业务内容 各种共享住房的开发,出售及租赁 / 各种住宿设施的开发及营业 / 仓库 / 工厂用物件的开发及租赁 / 不动产中介及出售
代表者 山田善博
